Kevin Guay, BS

Director of IT

For media inquiries, please contact:


B.S. Computer Science. Hobart College, 2012

B.A. Environmental Studies. Hobart College, 2012


Kevin came to Bigelow after working as a research assistant studying terrestrial ecology in the northern hemisphere using remote sensing. As head of Bigelow's IT department, Kevin is responsible for maintaining Bigelow's technology infrastructure, managing IT staff, interns, and consultants, and overseeing day-to-day operations.

Personal Websites



  • Hobbie, J.E., G.R. Shaver, E.B. Rastetter, J.E. Cherry, S.J. Goetz, K.C. Guay, W.A. Gould, G.W. Kling. 2017. Ecosystem responses to climate change at a Low Arctic and a High Arctic long-term research site. Ambio. doi:10.1007/s13280-016-0870-x


  • K.C.Guay, P. Jantz, J.E. Gross, B.M. Rogers, and S.J. Goetz. 2016. Historical and Projected Climates as a Basis for Climate Change Exposure and Adaptation Potential across the Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative. Climate Change in Wildlands. (pp. 78-94). Island Press. doi:10.5822/978-1-61091-713-1_5
  • J.E. Gross, M. Tercek, K.C.Guay, M. Talbert, T. Chang, A. Rodman, D. Thoma, P. Jantz, J.T. Morisette. 2016. Analyses of historical and projected climates to support climate adaptation in the Northern Rocky mountains. Climate Change in Wildlands. (pp. 55-77). Island Press. doi:10.5822/978-1-61091-713-1_5


  • Myers-Smith, I.H., S.C. Elmendorf, P.S.A. Beck, M. Wilmking, M. Hallinger, D. Blok, K.D. Tape, S.A. Rayback, M. Macias-Fauria, B.C. Forbes, J.D.M. Speed, N. Boulanger-Lapointe, C. Rixen, E. Lévesque, N.M. Schmidt, C. Baittinger, A.J. Trant, L. Hermanutz, L.S. Collier, M.A. Dawes, T. Lantz, S. Weijers, R.H. Jørgensen, A. Buchwal, A. Buras, A.T. Naito, V. Ravolainen, G. Schaepman-Strub, J. Wheeler, S. Wipf, K.C. Guay, D.S. Hik, and M. Vellend. 2015. Climate sensitivity of shrub growth across the tundra biome. Nature Climate Change. doi:10.1038/nclimate2697


  • Boelman, N.T., L. Gough, J.C. Wingfield, S.J. Goetz, A. Asmus, H.E. Chmura, J.S. Krause, J.H. Perez, S.K. Sweet, K.C. Guay. 2014. Greater shrub dominance alters breeding habitat and food resources for migratory songbirds in Alaskan arctic tundra. Global Change Biology. doi:10.1111/gcb.12761
  • Epstein, H.P., U.S. Bhatt, M.K. Raynolds, D.A. Walker, P.A. Bieniek, C.J. Tucker, J. Pinzon, H. Zeng, G.J. Jia, K.C. Guay, S.J. Goetz. 2014. Tundra Greenness. In Arctic Report Card: Update for 2014. NOAA. Retrieved from
  • Guay, K.C., P.S.A. Beck, L.T. Berner, S.J. Goetz, A. Baccini, W. Buermann. 2014. Vegetation productivity patterns at high northern latitudes: a multi-sensor satellite data assessment. Global Change Biology. doi:10.1111/gcb.12647

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